Half Of All Machine Failures Can Be Attributed To Misalignment
Misalignment is the root cause of the majority of machine breakdowns due to bearing failures & damaged seals, shafts and couplings. Poor lubrication, imbalance, resonances and other factors also lead to machinery failure, however it is widely agreed that misalignment is the major cause.
Our easy to follow plain English reports offer the client corrective recommendations and a quick reference to the overall mechanical state of the plant. Download a Sample Alignment Report
MBS Utilise 2 Pruftecknik Laser Alignment Kits
Advantages of MBS Laser Alignment
Accurate to 0.01mm
Built in tolerances related to speed
Allowances for thermal growth
Quick and user friendly
Comprehensive report, showing parallel and angular measurements on both vertical and horizontal planes
Pre cut stainless steel shim used on all applications